How to use CBD to feel like a PowerHouse Babe
It’s not every day you get to gather with a motivated, inspirational group of women to dance around, inspire each other, create a collaboration and generally kick ass together.
We knew the minute we met Lindsey Schwartz that we just kinda vibed together. She’s the person on stage asking “have you ever felt like you were meant for…more?” And we said hell yes. And whether she’s on stage or next to you on the couch, she’s the same girlfriend raising you up. Thanks for being YOU Lindsey, and leading us all to be undeniably, imperfectly and fabulously US.
If you were there with us at Powerhouse Women 2019, thank you. We hope you left the weekend feeling as inspired as we did.
If you couldn’t be with us in person, know that you were with us in spirit. And in that case, here were a few of our takeaways:
- You don’t have to do this alone. That was truly one of the most Powerful statements made of the weekend and it was ELECTRIC. Ladies, do you feel like you’re doing it (business, mothering, wife-ing, living, family-ing ALL THE INGS) alone? That’s the power of getting us all together to remind ourselves that we all rise together, and we’re bringing you (yes, YOU, girlfriend!) along for the ride.
- Whether you’re a social butterfly or a beautiful wallflower, walking in to a group of new people can be intimidating. That’s why we added a touch of Lavender to our signature Power House Blend. As we shook hands and hugged it out, we felt our new besties instantly relax and feel the Calm so we could all relax in to this awesome experience. It’s a vibe.
- You could feel the Passion in the air. From women who were just starting their business to women running 7 figure companies, we were all in the same room to do the same thing: feel awesome and get sh*t DONE!
- Look, pursuing what you love is freaking scary. Our mission at Simple Jane is to help our besties have all the tools they need to feel amazing, confident and crush their goals. We hope that with every roll of the Power House Blend that you remember that your are a bada$$ as that Confidence looks good on you babe.

In case you missed it at the event, or if you couldn’t join us IRL this time, don’t miss the last few bottles available of the Simple Jane Power House Blend, only available until the end of the month!