New: Simple Jane CBD Massage Now Available at Modern Remedy

Relax & Restore with CBD Massage at Modern Remedy .

"Modern Remedy was born out of the need to address a gap in the wellness industry, where the healing potential of traditional remedies and modern medicine was often overlooked or fragmented. Our innovative approach unifies these elements, creating a holistic, luxurious, and personalized experience that transcends conventional spa offerings."

We’re thrilled to partner with this Wellness Studio and offer Simple Jane products to enhance their services. 

Frosted Peppermint Oil can also be mixed in with On the Mend oil and On the Mend muscle balm to relieve muscle pain, strains, and inflammation.

Frosted Peppermint CBD oil
Simple Jane Co.

Deep Tissue Massage, Lymphatic and Stretching sessions now available with On the Mend CBD oil.