Relieving Neck Tension With Dr. Robyn Wilhelm

Dr Robyn Wilhelm Self Massage With Himalayan Salt Stone and Simple Jane CBD

Feeling tense? It could be affecting more than just your shoulders. How can a Himalayan Salt Stone affect your pelvic health? The way we hold tension in our neck muscles can affect the tension we hold in our pelvic floor, according to Dr. Robyn Wilhelm, an Arizona based Physical Therapist and Women’s Health Coach. As…

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New Stockist Alert! | Mountain Elite Massage

“It is a healing experience when you walk in to CJ’s office.” Massage is not a luxury, it is a path to a healthier, happier life. Nothing could be more true when it comes to a massage by Crystal Joy and her team in Herber City, UT. We are thrilled to announce Mountain Elite Massage as a…

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