How to Relieve Foot Pain With CBD


Plantar Fasciitis, Blisters, Arthritis & More:


Here's How to Find Foot Pain Relief With CBD.

Here's How CBD For Your Feet Is Changing The Game:

There are 26 bones in each foot, as well as 33 joints, 19 muscles, 10 tendons and 107 ligaments. That means nearly a quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet! But it's often that our feet get overlooked.

If you suffer from arch pain, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis and other foot pain conditions, we have good news for you!

While getting a CBD pedicure is the best way to wrap all of the good things together, if that option isn't available to you,  creating a good at-home foot routine can be one of the easiest ways to take care of our bodies.

Here are some of our favorite ways to get those feet feeling great.

Blisters, Callouses & Crinkled Toes

Nothing ruins a good outfit more than a pair of shoes that are just KILLING your feet. Calluses are caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells that harden and thicken over an area of the foot. High-heeled shoes, shoes that are too small, abnormalities in posture and walking motion, flat feet and high arched feet are all common causes of callused feet and pain.

Whether you're trying to get through the workday in a pair of heels or training for a marathon run, a salt-stone foot massage with CBD balm is your secret weapon to feeling fabulous and pain-free.

Get ahead of the pain: Apply generously to toes, heels and tops of feet minutes before slipping on your shoes.

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia).

Plantar fasciitis results in a "stabbing pain" that usually occurs first thing in the morning. The pain likely decreases as you move about your day and increase blood circulation to the area but might return if you're sedentary for long periods.

If ice packs and tennis balls aren't working for your pain, this is a job for a combo of Himalayan Salt and On The Mend Balm from our Recovery Kit. Applying the balm to your foot and heels first thing in the morning and massaging your feet with our signature Himalayan Salt Stone is the recipe for starting off your day on the right foot (sorry, couldn't miss that one).

Arthritis/Joint Pain

Approximately 54 million adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with arthritis or some other type of rheumatic disease causing joint pain according to the Arthritis Foundation. Pain and stiffness in the toes and joints in the foot, persistent aches and swelling around the feet are often symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The result is your immune system attacking your joint lining tissue, causing painful inflammation and stiffness. Daily self-massage using On The Mend products may help relieve the swelling and pain associated with chronic inflammation and get you back on your feet (that was the last one, promise).

And if you have a few extra minutes and need some extra relief, kick up your feet in some Legs On The Wall Posture with the balm on for all the benefits of inversion...without the effort.

Treat Your Feet to a CBD Pedicure At One Of Our Featured Partners in Arizona:

No location near you? Join the Guest List & receive 20% off any at home pedicure product from Simple Jane.

Legal Stuff Our Lawyers Say We Need To Tell You about CBD for Feet: We are not doctors and are no way proposing this as medical advice. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not topical products like Simple Jane products. Always check with your doctor before using any product or starting a new health regime. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same results. The CBD in Simple Jane products are a natural constituent of industrial hemp plant and legally imported. Simple Jane LLC does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act


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