How to Use Peppermint Oil For Headaches
We knew Frosted Peppermint Oil was good for topical pain relief but we were surprised (to be honest) by how many people were already using plain therapeutic peppermint essential oil for tension headaches! According to this episode from Huberman Labs podcast, using Peppermint Oil for certain types of headache pain is NOT just placebo!
*Just imagine what adding pure CBD into the mix would do 🙂
Cannabis and CBD are already being studied and used to treat many types of migraines and tension headaches.
It appears that adding topical CBD into the mix can help CBD1 brain receptors react and adapt quicker to the menthol and terpene qualities to reduce inflammation and start feeling better, faster.
Topical applications, such as aromatherapy and scalp massage work fast because they don't need to process through the liver to start working.
Look, we want to be clear: None of this is to be considered medical advice. But if you suffer from tension headaches and haven't been able to find relief, read on:
How to Use Peppermint Oil for Headaches
There seem to be certain types of headaches where this combination can shine. For this article,we'll focus on tension-type headaches and secondary headaches such as headaches caused by muscle pain, allergies, and sinus pressure.

It sounds so simple but this is where most people get it wrong. They use cheap essential oil or products made with synthetic fragrance, actually causing or making the headache worse. Unfortunately, the fake fragrance of synthetic peppermint is throughout tons of commercially produced items. Peppermint candles, bath soaks, shampoos, peppermint lattes.... the list goes on and on. So, many of the benefits people think they are getting from peppermint oil is actually causing the headache itself. Even Dr. Teals has some explaining to do with 'parfum' as the second ingredient of most of their bath soaks and foot soaks.
Breathe Deeply with Frosted Peppermint Oil
Inhaling diffused peppermint oil can help to unclog your sinuses and offer relief from a scratchy throat.
Lab studies show that the compounds found in peppermint oil have antimicrobial, antiviral and antioxidant properties, meaning it may also help to fight infections that lead to symptoms involving the respiratory tract.
CBD Scalp Massage

Place Frosted on your fingertips and breathe in the aroma. Start from the back of your head, placing your fingertips at the base of your skull and start gently massaging your way up to the temples. Stay here and massage for as long as needed.
Next, place your fingertips in the middle of your skull and gently press. Pull your fingertips apart and then gently massage your entire head for a few seconds.
Relax your shoulders and massage both sides of your neck moving from side to side, releasing neck and shoulder tension.
Apply Frosted Peppermint Oil to these Acupressure Points:

Using Frosted Peppermint Oil for Muscle Pain
Mixing a few drops of Frosted Peppermint Oil with On the Mend balm can pack a power punch for muscle pain and recovery. The menthol in the peppermint oil and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD work quickly to reduce pain and recovery quicker.
* None of the above statements have been approved by the FDA and is not medical advice in any way*
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