Is Dry Brushing Good for Your Skin?

How to Dry Brush Skin for Better Lymphatic Health.

Whether you are looking to enhance your skin’s appearance, support your body’s detoxification processes, or simply enjoy a moment of relaxation, dry brushing may be worth trying.


Dry Brushing was first recommended by the Finnish Dr., Paavo Airola for his patients 30 years ago and is still popular in European spas and many cancer treatment centers today. Dry brushing is promoted as a preventative for dry skin and a way to exfoliate the skin but there are many other benefits as well such as: Increased blood circulation, rejuvenated nervous system and enhanced vitamin and nutrient absorption through the skin.

Environmental toxins, stress, pealing summer skin or recovering from a cold, are all great reasons to give your skin a refresh with aa dry brush session. If you're feeling a little dull & sluggish, this dry brush combo can help energize your nervous system and give your immune system a boost.

Is Dry Brushing Good for Your Skin?

After a good dry brushing, follow up with On the Mend Body Oil or Skin Savior Body Balm to nourish and condition skin with non toxic CBD and organic ingredients.

How to Dry Brush Your Skin


  1. Start at your feet and move up your body.
  2. Use light pressure and brush your skin using wide, circular, clockwise motions.
  3. Brush your arms after you have brushed your feet, legs, and mid-section. You should brush upward towards your armpits.
  4. After dry brushing, take a cool shower and use On the Mend body scrub to further remove dry skin.
  5. After your shower, pat dry off and finish with the ultra-light On the Mend oil.


  • Dry brushing isn't for everyone:  People with open or inflamed skin, including people with eczema and psoriasis, should avoid dry brushing over the inflamed area. You should also avoid dry brushing over an open wound. You could introduce bacteria to the wound, which could lead to infection.


Alternatives to Dry Brushing: 

Some people really do not like dry brushing however, they know they also know the benefits. Here are some ways to stimulate your lymphatic system without using a dry brush.


Exfoliate with On the Mend Body Scrub to further stimulate and nourish the skin


Step into the warm shower and let the heat warm up your skin before applying On the Mend Body Scrub. The lemongrass , peppermint, and eucalyptus oils in the finely ground minerals work as a natural diuretic to further flush toxins out of the body.

Finish with a light On the Mend Body Oil to seal in moisture and give your skin a healthy glow.

Sugar is Sweet, But Not For Your Skin.

Most sugar used in body scrubs are highly processed and void of any nutrients for your skin. Worse yet, sugar is a known inflammatory so exfoliating with a sugar-based body scrub can cause further redness and inflammation.

  • When using/making a body scrub, try using finely ground powdered Himalayan salt or  Redmond Real Salt.

If You're Only Using Epsom Salts for Your Scrub , You're Missing Out of 80+ Other Minerals for Your Skin.

Himalayan salt also acts as a natural antibacterial, helping detox and neutralize the effects of harsh chemicals and toxins found in other skincare products.

The magnesium and calcium present in the salt can help strengthen connective tissue and skin, which can help guard against disease and carcinogens.

Is CBD Good for Skin?

CBD is widely taken as an internal supplement that helps a variety of inflammatory conditions. Yet, because it is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, CBD can also help soothe angry skin conditions and help absorb harsh environmental pollutants.

When pores are warm, clean and open, the body is able to absorb nutrients deeply into the skin, feeding the endocannabinoid system and creating lasting change.

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*This article is not intended to diagnose, prescribe or treat any medical condition.  None of the statements have been approved by the FDA and is not medical advice in any way. Please check with your doctor for skin sensitivities and allergies before starting a new skin regimen. *


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