CBD Massage with Simple Jane
A massage with Simple Jane body oils and balms can help deeply restore body and mind. Here are some of our favorite combinations & ways to use Simple Jane CBD products with therapeutic massage techniques such as Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Deep Tissue Sports Massage and Himalayan Salt Stone Massage:
Lymphatic Massage & CBD Body Treatments
Is Dry Brushing Good for Your Skin?
Dry Brush Your Way to Better Health How to Dry Brush Skin for Better Lymphatic Health. Whether you are looking to enhance your skin’s appearance, support your body’s detoxification processes, or simply enjoy a moment of relaxation, dry brushing may be worth trying. Dry Brushing was first recommended by the Finnish Dr., Paavo Airola…
Lymphatic Massage Treatments with Simple Jane
Bodysculpting, Lymphatic Massage & CBD On the Mend Lymphatic Massage Oil Can Help Reduce Water Retention & Swelling. Body Sculpting with Wood Therapy Maderotherapy, also known as wood sculpting massage, is a therapeutic technique that utilizes wooden tools to promote lymphatic health and body sculpting. This ancient practice, which has roots in traditional holistic therapies,…
CBD Sports Massage & Deep Tissue
Deep tissue massage is a more intense form of massage that targets the deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. This type of massage can often times be painful and uncomfortable but when combined with On the Mend Massage oil, making the experience more enjoyable.
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