Can CBD Help You Sleep?


As the popularity of CBD continues to skyrocket, sleep is one of the big reasons why people take it. How does it work? The jury is still out on a final answer, but preliminary research has unearthed a few clues. The Calming Effect of CBDOur bodies naturally produce endocannabinoids, molecules that have a calming effect…

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Can CBD help with Yoga?

Buti Yoga CBD Bliss

Are you thinking of taking yoga classes? Yoga is one of the oldest practices for a healthy mind and body. For 5,000 years, yoga has been practiced by many people all over the world. There is no doubt that yoga is a powerful form of fitness, which provides physical and mental benefits. The health benefits…

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Cosmo Pairs Temptress With Top 5 Sex Positions

Feeling like a Temptress? We’ve got you (un)covered with our lineup of premium CBD Topical Aphrodisiac. Our Topical Aphrodisiac line was the original Simple Jane product! That’s why when Cosmo featured Temptress on their list of Top 5 Sex Positions in a recent article, we were thrilled! We’re not saying it was better than sex…but…

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What is a Topical Aphrodisiac?

Aphrodisiacs are usually thought of as a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire or causes excitement. Some of the most recognizable aphrodisiacs have historically been thought of as food. Some of our favorite libido-inducing foods, recognized by our friends at, are iconic mainstays that we all know about (and perhaps some you…

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