Summer Nights Non Toxic Bug Spray & Sunburn Soother
Looking for a nontoxic bug repellant that actually works? Take this to the lake next time and enjoy your time outdoors. The CBD and essential oils in Summer Nights balances the PH level in your skin to make you virtually invisible to mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other biting insects.
The soothing combo also feels great after a long day in the sun to repair skin and stay hydrated without peeling.
Made with Organic coconut oil, Pure CBD isolate, lavender, geranium, and citronella essential oil, this soothing aromatherapy profile works wonders for damaged skin and sunburn repair.
4 oz. | 100 Mg. CBD.
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Why CBD?
Biting bugs and insects are attractive to a build up of sweat and lactic acid. CBD helps balance skin PH, eliminate bacteria , and build a healthy skin barrier.
The Power of Citronella oil for mosquitoes and skin health
Citronella oil, extracted from the leaves and stems of different species of Cymbopogon (lemongrass), is well-known for its fresh, uplifting aroma and its efficacy as a natural insect repellent. However, this versatile essential oil offers a range of benefits that extend beyond keeping mosquitoes at bay.
Citronella oil has antibacterial and anti fungal properties that can be used for infections, acne, and other skin conditions.
Geranium Oil Mosquito Repellant
Geranium oil not only has a lovely floral scent but also offers excellent mosquito-repelling properties.
How it Works: The compounds in geranium oil disrupt the sensory receptors of mosquitoes, making it difficult for them to locate their targets.
” By interfering with the sensory pathways involved in locating hosts, these compounds can impede the ability of mosquitoes to detect and locate humans or other animals for blood-feeding. This disruption in host-seeking behavior reduces the likelihood of mosquito bites and potential disease transmission … read the full study here
Lavender for Mosquito Bites
“This essential oil (and the plant from which it derives) contains a compound known as linalool, which produces a strong odor that is pleasant to humans and detestable to mosquitos.” read more here