5 Ways To Use On The Mend CBD Today

Here’s the real deal: On The Mend was MADE for times like this. It’s the tool in your Wellness Toolbox made to keep you feeling amazing in your body. When you buy a bottle of On The Mend you say to yourself: “Hi, Self. I value you and I’m ready to care. Self-care. Yeah.”

Here are all the ways YOU can get some relief yourself by using your bottle of On The Mend CBD Massage Oil throughout your day.

Reset Your Vibe With CBD Aromatherapy

We’ve seen this quote going around recently:

“You’re not working from home. You’re at home during a crisis, trying to work.”

It resonates because we have all had to shift routines and expectations to accommodate new circumstances. And no matter how big or small your new circumstances have shifted, they are worthy of acknowledging…it’s ok not to be ok through it all.

But after we acknowledge those feelings…we want you to feel empowered to do something about them. That’s why we are so passionate about gathering our “Wellness Toolbox” together to empower us through to adjust to change with grace and self-understanding. On The Mend is designed with a powerful and intentional blend of 6 therapeutic-grade essential oils to uplift your mind and body, create alertness and focus, and soothe all over.

If you’ve been grinding over your laptop for hours, take the chance to reset with an aromatherapy break with On The Mend.

  1. Spray into the palms of your hands and rub together.
  2. Cup your hands over your nose and mouth
  3. Breathe deeply and slowly. Try breathing in for 4 seconds and a longer exhale for 8 seconds. Repeat 4 times.
  4. Place your palms onto the back of your neck and shoulders and massage the oil in the release tension from hunching over.

Consider it your caffeine-free coffee break!

Warm Up Those Muscles Before Your Next Zoom Class

You’ve been hitting those online fitness classes HARD and we commend you for it! Exercise is SO important right now (and honestly, always) for alleviating stress and keeping your body and mind healthy. But if you’re new to working out at home, you might be skipping your warm-ups and jumping right in, which can lead to injury.

Warm up with On The Mend CBD Oil by warming a spritz or two between the palm of your hands, and applying to any spots that typically flare up…we see this the most around joints to think shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles. Not only will the massage help your circulation and get your muscles ready to flow, the uplifting essential oils will help you feel awake, alert and refreshed to dive into your sweat mesh.

Here are a few of our fave online workouts we’ve been loving:

Your Lymph System Needs Some Love


In our Thriving Under Pressure series, we talked about ways we can continue to thrive under challenging circumstances. One of those ways was to keep your lymphatic system healthy and moving! Our lymph system is responsible for moving your immune boosting cells in circulation around the body. We are getting proactive our about health by using a combination of exercise, plenty of water and exfoliation like dry brushing or our On The Mend Scrub to manually massage and stimulate your body’s lymph so you can support your immune system.

When you’re using our On The Mend Scrub, you’ll want plenty of oil to combine with the salt, so combine the scrub with a few generous spritz of On The Mend oil to make your skin feel amazing AND your body ready to protect and thrive too.

We are loving this Instagram / The Lymphatic Message / with her videos on massage techniques and education around lymphatic massage.

Apply To Neck & Chest For Allergy Relief

In an interesting turn of events, it happens to be full-on allergy season out there as spring is blooming and so are our sinuses! We love a good neti pot to rinse out your sinuses from pollen, and follow it up with a chest and neck self-massage with On The Mend. Essential oils like eucalyptus and lemongrass combine with CBD to relieve inflammation and uplift your sensory fog to clear things up. Take a deeeeeep breathe and massage in light circles all over your chest and neck for best relief. If you are rinsing with a neti pot, apply a thin layer of On The Mend with a Q-tip to the inside of your nostrils to keep them hydrated after the salt rinse.

Give your partners a back massage “after work” to stay connected

Yes it may seem like “holy hell we’re 1000% connected because we physically cannot leave each other….” BUT. If you are both working from home you are faced with new stress, managing space and noise while you both try to work and your partner has become your co-worker….whether you wanted it or not!

Separate your time at home and when work is over…make it over. Put phones and computers away and spend time with a little physical touch to raise those oxytocin levels, reduce heart rates, and maintain a physical bond. Combined with the muscle relaxation with On The Mend, you will both be feeling more relaxed and more connected even if it’s only 5 minutes at the end of the day.


How are YOU using On The Mend? Be sure to tag us online @simplejaneco so we can see and repost!


  1. Maureen Wolfson on December 30, 2020 at 11:31 pm

    Please give me a phone number to order

    • SimpleJane on January 4, 2021 at 4:36 pm

      Hi Maureen! Our customer service team will reach out to you directly 🙂 Cheers!

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